Spotting trends, patterns, and answers before they stand in your way is critical to running a safe and effective utility. Geography means everything to sound energy, water or gas supply. You need to know where it’s coming from, where it’s going, and what’s happening everywhere in between. Fully integrated GIS helps to manage and predict outages and asset damage, easily comply with regulations, analyze risk and integrity, cut costs, and keep your customers loyal with a data system that makes you look smart.
GIS is no longer a single-function tool for locating pipes and facilities. It’s now a whole platform for understanding and optimizing energy or water operations integrating information from sensors, meters, crews, pipes, and more, through the common language of location. GIS enables to store data, share interactive maps in the boardroom; push functional maps to field devices. All this make your data speak through an intuitive map interface. You’ll think and work more naturally, both individually and collaboratively.